Tuesday 27 December 2016

Which DLC to get ? Crusader Kings 2 short dlc guide.

This thread pops on reddit everyday. I have decided to write short guide which DLCs you should get.

Must Buy:
Way of Life 7.99 euros
Conclave 14.99 euros
Reaper's Due 9.99 euros
Wider Content
The Old Gods 14.99 euros
Charlemagne 14.99 euros
Sons of Abraham 9.99 euros
Legacy of Rome 9.99 euros
Pick-what-you-like DLCs
Horse Lords 14.99 euros
Republic 9.99 euros
Sword of Islam 9.99 euros
Rajas of India 14.99 euros
Sunset Invasion 4.99 euros

In my opinion there are 3 tiers of dlcs. Lets name them Mandatory, 2nd Tier, 3rd Tier.

So I think that there are absolute two mandatory DLCs that add flavor to any country we play. Way of Life and Conclave. 

With the Way of Life we are able select a life focus which greatly improves flavor of our game.
It costs 7.99 Euros

Conclave gives us new education system for children (similar to way of life foci) and new council mechanics that makes the game easier or harder, depends on our vassals and our ruler. It costs 14.99 Euros.

Weird Tier.
I do not know where to put this DLC. Legacy of Rome allows us to buy retinues and adds some flavor to the Byzantium. I don't know where to put it because it is not so much of content but ability to purchase retinues makes it almost a must-buy. I doesn't have a fancy picture so I don't upload it. It costs 4.99 Euros.

2nd Tier
DLCs with much content.

The Old Gods
Allows us to play pagans and blesses us with earlier start date. With this DLC you can drop boring vanilla Christians and burn some villages with your viking chief or bury yourself deep in snow as a Suomenusko tribe. It was a huge deal at the release day, Vikings were super strong  and the rest of the pagans super boring :) Good times. After 2.6 Patch however, all of the pagans are with some flavor. It costs 14.99 Euros.

Border gore simulator with even earlier than The Old Gods start date. It helps the AI to create huge frankish blob in the middle of Europe. It is very unbalanced start but hey, it is fun. However, it is in 2nd tier due to many new fun starts to play. It costs 14.99 Euros. Not worth it's price in my opinion.

The Reaper's Due
The newest DLC. I was contemplating to put this in the mandatory tier as it gives a bit of dynamism on the whole map. Main two mechanics are disease spreading around the map with it's flag ship ; The Black Death, and prosperity for our provinces. It is 3rd DLC you should get imo. It costs 9,99 Euros, totally worth it.

Sons of Abraham
Solid DLC. Does not add much visible content but adds a lot of decisions and events for Jews, Christians and Muslism. If you don't play these 3 religions do not buy this DLC. It costs 9,99 Euros.

3rd Tier
Get whatever you like.
Now that I listed all of the core DLCs, it is time for cherries or bananas on top.

Horse Lords
It is my personal favorite because I am interested in Nomads from the great steppe. Beside ability to play as totally OP horse lord, we get Silk Road mechanic. It improves income through provinces it passes. If you were used to boring Christians and start playing as a nomad prepare for a small shock. release day Horse Lords felt like a clumsy mod but now its all good! It costs 14.99 Euros.

Nothing much to say here. It allows us to play a merchant republic. Do not buy if you don't have Legacy of Rome DLC as republics rely on their retinues. If you are not interested in playing a Republic then don't get it. It costs 9,99 Euros. Not worth it imo.

Sword of Islam
You wan't to piss off 'kebab removers' and unite entire map under the flag of the prophet? Then get Sword of Islam. Muslims are easy mode conquerors with easy vassal management. It costs 9,99 Euros.

Rajas of India
If you get hot just thinking about playing Hindu and study kamasutra then get this DLC. Indian Subcontinent its not that bad. It costs 14,99 Euros. Super overpriced.

Sunset Invasion
Aztecs kill Europe. Fantasy DLC that I don't like. It costs 4.99 Euros. 

I hope I did not miss any lol...

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