Monday 18 March 2019

Holy Fury Reformation tier list. Reform your pagan religion with style!

Picture by strichpunkt from Pixabay 

Hi, before Holy Fury release I posted my tier list for pagan doctrines
I have received few private messages and some even answered to the thread when the post was very old. So I decided to update my list after I played some Holy Fury. I will explain some of my choices based on how it worked out in my games.

Nature: Two tiers here. I will explain at the end of ‘paragraph’
Tier 1:
Stability: It does what it says, your vassals rarely start any factions, your domain limit is huge, all is well… until you want to start some wars. It is really painful to expand with CBs at our disposal as Peaceful religion. However, it is good when you expanded before reformation, and want to settle down and rely more on our vassals and domain rather than stats of our ruler. I used it in my game Tengri Horde → Jurchen Reformed Bon Chinese Empire and just dominated silk road. It gets pretty boring tbh.

Warmongering: I think most of us are familiar with it, because unreformed Germanics and Tengri have it. Its full potential is available when we are huge feudal empire and rely more on our vassal levies. It has its downsides because it makes AI more aggressive and incompetent AI can tank our MA very hard. It has synergy with Agnatic and Enatic doctries, giving us new CB for Patriarchal and Matriarchal depositions. Basically we attack opposite gender ruler, depose him/her and force our gender law on their realm.

Unyielding: This would be my number one if I had to chose. Flat bonus to levy, garrison size and moral. Standard stuff for defensive pagans. Sometimes simple solutions are the best.
If we pick it as germanic, tengri or aztec we will lose any troop bonus that we couldve inherited from unreformed religion. Totally fine for religions without 30% levy bonus, but if you want to expand then other natures are better.

Tier 2
Proselytizing: I will be honest, I never picked it. If someone used it with success please advocate this nature in comments. I feel it is a waste of slot and good for role play only.

Dogmatic: See above. It has a synergy with incest doctrine making us high god of our religion. Ive heard it is currently bugged.

Cosmopolitan: I used it once, its fun, allows us to snatch some alliances with infidel neighbours, or non-aggro pacts with infidel vassals. Doesnt block us from raiding, hunting focus etc. Best one in the loser tier.
When I started writing this tier list I wanted to put all natures in one tier, but realised I have never really used dogmatic and proselytizing because they feel lackluster to me.

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Moving on to Doctrines

Tier 1: No changes here from previous list.
- Meritocracy
- Agnatic Clans
- Enatic Clans
- Ancestor Veneration
Enatic and Agnatic clans allow us to get open succession law which is super strong as we know from muslims. Our domain can only grow overtime and we can develop our provinces without fear of it being lost to gavelkind. Similar story with Ancestor Veneration, but with more hassle of sucking up to the old dudes, the one disadvantage of Ancestor Veneration is that we must pick either Hierocratic or Autocephalous leadership (I think). Meritocracy is just delayed open succession after we get to Primogeniture law.

Tier 2: nice little bonuses
- Astrology
- Divine Marriage
- Haruspicy
- Bloodthirsty Gods
- Religious Tax
- Syncretism
- Monasticism
Fun and flavourful doctrines or flat bonuses (infidel tax and monasticism) . Bloodthirsty gods is very fun, we can get a bloodline, have our champion win several death matches, and we have access to Flower War cb which cripples enemy economy when we win. I never tried Astrology and Haruspicy, I think they have the same amount of events as bloodthirsty gods, but I have yet to try them. I used syncretism as my doctrine in my Jurchen Bon game, its nice little bonus to relations if we want multi-culti empire, with a bit of rng help we can get 2 sympathies at once (with the use of faith focus). I changed my mind about divine marriage doctrine, it actually allows us to breed new bloodlines fairly easy into our dynasty.

Tier 2b
- Unrelenting
- Animistic
- Stability
These three are weird. First two cancel themselves if they are picked together. Unrelenting cannot be picked with unyielding, and it cancels out any unreformed levy or troops bonus. However, its 10% bonus attack for all our troops so it is not that bad I guess, just weird. Unrelenting also ignores unreformed pagan attrition but we can easily overcome it with tech later in game. Animistic has same problems as unrelenting, it gives rite of passage event when reaching adulthood which has some flavour. Stability removes short reign penalty, which was not a problem for me ever. It says we can spend piety to improve curtier abilities but we can do it once per 5 years and can improve stat for one point. It has synergy with enatic/agnatic or meritocracy, after 9 successful boosts for close family relative we get a bloodline.

Tier 3:
- Polygamy
- Equality
- Daring
- Sea Bound
Polygamy is just negative prestige bonus if we dont have enough wives, and concubines have the same fertility rate and we can set them aside so there isnt really need to have polygamy. Equality can be achieved with enough tech by the year 950+ . Daring is a good way to lose moral authority because AI is incompetent, and we as a player will need prepared invasion only once (maybe twice). Seabound is just useless without Daring and picking these two doctrines is silly (unless we are not getting bored with constant raiding on our foes).

Religion unique doctrines

Tier 1
- Harmonious
- Invaders
- Totem Guardians
- Defender of Dievas
Invaders are only here because they have 3 shitty doctrines that are good when they are packed in one slot. Harmonious expands our pool of talent but makes it harder to stack bloodlines due to disallowed cousin incest. Totems and Dievas have that good succesion law going for them.

Tier 2
- Civilised
- Dawnbreakers
- Children of Perun
If dawnbreakers would have divine marriage paired with something else than polygamy it would be tier 1. I haven't tried Perun+Daring, I wonder if it would give pirate trait. If it doesnt then Children of Perun is tier 3 really, nothing cool in it, I think it was specifically designed to sail rivers around Russia. Civilised is closer to tier 3 than tier 1, if we pick this doctrine as Roman Emperor we will never use its full potential as we are locked in Imperial Elective succession.

Tier 3
- Eternal Riders
- Survivors of Ukko
- Sons of Ragnarok
Eternal Raiders will take away bonus for levy and light cavalry and give us 10% bonus attack for all our troops, don't know if its fair exchange, I will do maths later, and as I said polygamy just sucks and is a prestige drain, on top of that now tribals with polygamy mechanic (muslims and reformed pagans with polygamy) will use wife mechanics instead of concubines. Sons of Ragnarok is combination of two bad doctrines, if we dont pick it, we will still retain ability to have viking trait and coastal county conquest cb, however, we will lose river sailing and prepared invasion ability which we dont need later in game ( and AI can close rivers for us by having enough fort level in river counties)

Leadership. I think these are well balanced. I used autonomous most often which gives some flat bonuses. Temporal gives us nice hat upon reformation, and is part of synergy dogmatic, divine marriage which does not work atm. Hierocratic and Autocephalous is a good way when we don't want to bother much with religious head but want to have high MA.

Thats it, tell me what you think.

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